Jalandhar:  Today, Common Yoga Protocol practice was organised as a pre-cursor event to the 8th International Yoga Day at Jalandhar Cantt. The event started with a talk on Yoga, its importance wherein Asanas intrinsic to human body and vitality were explained. A pledge was taken by all participants to observe self-discipline and to abide by all advisories and instructions on Common Yoga Protocol issued by the Ministry of Ayush. They also pledged to use Yoga techniques to enhance their immunity. It was followed by Yoga practice to include loosening exercises, Yoga Asanas, Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Dhyan and Sankalp. Certified Yoga instructors explained the benefits of each Asanas, with greater emphasis on Pranayama and Asanas which increase the respiratory strength in human body. Vajra Warriors alongwith their families participated in the event. They were also explained the scientific relevance and importance of yoga and how yoga, if practiced perpetually reduces stress at work ensuring a healthier body and mind.


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